Envu Solutions – Leafy spurge

Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) is a troublesome perennial weed that spreads rapidly once established, forming large, dense monocultures, which are difficult to control.

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Native to Central and Southern Europe, this plant has invaded large areas of rangeland, farmland and roadsides in the Prairie provinces and has been a problem in pastures, roadsides, uncultivated crops and reduced tillage crops in eastern provinces for decades. Although found on heavier soils, leafy spurge thrives in coarse soils as well.

Envu Solutions – Leafy spurge

No matter what kind of vegetation management problems you’re up against, Envu has a full range of solutions to help you take control.

For more information about leafy spurge, download the solution sheet or contact your local Territory Sales Manager for leafy spurge control strategies specific to your needs.

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