Envu Solutions – Spring Recovery

With spring recovery in full swing, existing and newly established turfgrass will need all the help it can get after a very slow start. Signature® XTRA Stressgard® should be considered as a tool in an effective spring recovery and establishment program.

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The added benefits of Signature XTRA Stressgard in a spring management program will not only allow for quicker recovery of existing turfgrass but will encourage strong rooting and disease resistance in newly established seedlings.

Envu Solutions – Spring Recovery

No matter what kind of turf problems you’re up against, Envu has a full range of solutions to help you take control and maintain it.

For more information about the spring recovery program, download the solution sheet or contact your local Territory Sales Manager for spring recovery strategies specific to your needs.

ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Envu, the Envu logo and the Signature® XTRA Stressgard® logo are trademarks owned by Environmental Science U.S. LLC. or one of its affiliates. ©2023 Environmental Science U.S. LLC. All rights reserved.